TEXT: ISAIAH 43:18-19
Sermon Preached by Rev. Bonface Nyangolo on 20th November
I. Introduction
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing”. The prophet is reminding us on what the Lord had done before. He is speaking of the fall of Babylon (43:14). Despite the Babylonians’ pride in the fleet of ships, which no doubt brought them great wealth and power, the richest and most powerful nation of that era would be brought low by God.
The Lord again reminds his people that this will not be the first time that he has humiliated a great nation. He did the same when he drowned the powerful forces of the Egyptian army in the Red Sea during the first Exodus. (Exodus 14:21-31)
II. Do not focus on the past but the present and the future
They were not to focus on what God had done in the past (43:18), instead they needed to look up in the present and see that God is doing a new thing, preparing the road for a new Exodus (43:19). In the past he had made a way into the Sea (43:16) but now he is making a well-watered way in the desert (43:20). God’s main intention was to supply the needs of his people so that they may praise him (43:21).
III. Some of the things we need to let go
1. Bitterness in our hearts
2. Wrongs done to us
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3. Sin, old habits as well as friends who drag us in sin
4. Old way of doing things without getting better results
5. Negative thinking which corrupts our minds
6. Letting other people write our story as well as define us
7. Fear which robs us of courage and boldness
IV. Letting God
Letting God means allowing God to take over, it means acknowledging his supremacy over our circumstances no matter how bad they may be.
It means looking at things from a totally different and godly perspective. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Jesus Christ let God when he said, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)
David let God when he had an opportunity to kill King Saul but he said, “I cannot lay my hand upon the anointed of the Lord.” (1 Samuel 24:6) Joseph let God when he said, “Do not be afraid, am I in the place of God? Even though you intended to do harm to me, God
intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people as he is doing today.” (Genesis 50:19-20)
Children of God, it is not easy to let go and let God. Jesus said, “Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). If we concentrate on the pains inflicted on us, the bad experiences we have gone through and allow them to speak to us then it will be hard to let go. But if we choose to listen to God, however painful it will be and allow him to be at the centre of our minds and lives then we shall lead victorious lives. I commend us to the Grace of God which is able to help us let go and
let God. Shalom.
Bonface Nyangolo