Welcome to Our Church



Believing in God’s Word and Spirit

Buruburu Community Centre Church of God Nairobi, formally known us Jericho Church of God Nairobi is one of the Church of God (Anderson Indiana) congregations of a worldwide movement of believers seeking to fulfil God’s desire for the body of Christ-the church.

The pioneer congregate of ten persons (7 men and 3 women) started gathering to worship God as a house fellowship in the year 1962 under overseer-ship of the church of God in EA (K). As one of the first growing house of fellowships, the fellowship was upgraded a fully flagged church in the year 1969, becoming Jericho Church of God which later become Buruburu Community Centre Church of God Nairobi in the year 1988 after moving to Buruburu Estate one of the largest estates in the City of Nairobi.

The church’s structure is basically a congregational organization. The church does not have a statement of faith. We take own stand on the fundamentals and evangelical Christian truth and conduct which belong to all believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible is our all-sufficient rule for faith and practice in Jesus Christ.