The Way

to the church

Google doesn’t have all the answers.


Embrace Christ

We believe that God calls all Christians to live in unity and peace

we represent Christ in this world.........

God is one

The one God is eternally self-existing in three Persons

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

He was manifested in the flesh

Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord

His future personal return in power and glory

The Holy Spirit is God

As the third person in the God head,

He indwells every believer upon conversion......


A Place For You

Buruburu Community Centre Church of God believes in one God, Creator and preserver of all things visible and invisible, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three co-equal persons

Rev. Bonface Esichupa Nyangolo

Rev. Bonface Esichupa Nyangolo

Senior Pastor

Rev Bonface Nyangolo is the senior pastor serving Buruburu Community Center Church of GOD. He also serves as the Center CEO overseeing all operations of the Center.
He is a holder of Bachelor degree in Practical Theology from Word of faith Bible College and Bachelor of Theology from Africa International University.

Rev. Enock Mbayi

Rev. Enock Mbayi

Associate Pastor

Rev. Enock Mbayi is the current associate pastor Buruburu community center church of God.
He is the National training coordinator church of God Kenya. He holds Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology from Global University America.
Evangelism, descipleship and helping people through spiritual transformation around the globe

I am delighted that you have chosen to visit with us. At Buruburu Community Centre Church of God, you will find a place where you can be inspired, encouraged, and equipped to meet the practical needs of living in today’s world; a place where you can experience God and become all that God wants you to be.

Buruburu Community Centre Church of God is committed to reaching people with the message of God’s love and grace, growing them to maturity in Christ likeness, and sending them forth into the world by the power of the Holy Spirit to join Christ in his work of reconciliation and transformation. Worship, Bible study, Prayer, Sunday school, Youth Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Women Ministry, Fellowship Ministry and various service opportunities are available to empower and equip you for victorious living in Christ. Our hope is that all people will feel loved and welcomed at Buruburu Community Centre Church of God.

And once here, we pray that people will meet God and as a result of meeting God, give their lives to Jesus Christ. While you are browsing our website, you will learn about our programs and get a glimpse of who we are, but only a glimpse. To fully understand us, come to a worship service or to a small group and feel the up-close, in-person fellowship that comes when people share time together with the Holy Spirit present. Enjoy the website, then come. We’d love to meet you and know you.

Rev. Bonface Nyangolo

Senior Pastor

Prayer Wall

not a must
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